How To Make A Wood Effect

Tutorial showing how to make a wood effect cake board....if i can do it - anyone can!!. Step 6: taking a small knife, draw some straight lines on the board, making sure the lines are vertical, for the wood grain effect. step 7: using a tooth pick, add some of the colour paste to the palette and add some vodka to make a colour wash.. There you have it, a wooden text effect. you can use the steps in this tutorial to make your own custom headings for web designs, or even to create some wood style icon sets. use your imagination and the skills learned and you'll be surprised by what you can come up with..

Karen Davies Cake Decorating Moulds / Molds - Rustic ...

Karen davies cake decorating moulds / molds - rustic

ZAR® Oil-Based Wood Stain, 118 Dark Mahogany | Rockler ...

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